We hope this blog will help to keep our friends and family conected to what is going on in our lives.Enjoy!
Posted by Faron and Erin at 5:19 AM 1 comments
Last night was fun times had by all. My sister Amy and her cute little family flew in last night. We went to my parents' house and had foil dinners done on the grill.Yummy! Katie and Travy were there too.It was so cute to see the kids all together, even though Emily had to go to bed shortly after their arrival. Brayden and Travis were really cute together. They were running up and down the hall and giggling. Brayden gets a little jealous I think. He was lightly hitting Travis, I don't know why he was upset, but for some reason he wasn't being nice. It was too cute because I said "Be nice" and then Travis says to Brayden "Be nice". He is talking so good now. It so crazy how fast these kids are growing. I will post some pictures tomorrow.
My mom's house looked so nice and decorated for Christmas. And my dad had lights up on the house. (Good work dad!) It really did feel like Christmas having our family together. The only thing that would make it better would be having my brother Patrick and his family with us. It's been over a year since I have seen them, and they haven't even met Brayden yet. They will be missed =)
Brayden decided last night that he wanted to spin. Then that was all he wanted to do. My dad was holding him, trying to get him to calm down for bedtime, and then he would let him go, and within seconds he was spinning again. I'm telling you he has a one track mind =) It's so funny. I love that he has so much personality. I think he was just in the over tired stage, because he fell asleep as soon as we left.
Today I had a little time to my self. I dropped Brayden off at his sitter's house .He was so happy to see his "buddies" her kids are so good with him. It's such a blessing that our Bishop's wife Tammy watches him. She is super mom of 5 beautiful children. She is so good with Bray and he has so much fun with her 2 youngest. I went from there to Walmart to get a couple things, and by 10am I was ready for bed! But I prevailed and did some dishes. Then I decided I better get started on my little craft project for miss Emily. I made her a Tutu for her 1st b-day party, or pictures, or dress up.. which ever her parents choose to use it as. I am 1/2 way done, and it is rather adorable. And was surprisingly easy to make. I am excited to give it to her and see her expression. Hopefully she likes it =)
Good luck to miss Morgan tomorrow! I am so excited for Miss Carly's arrival! I know you will do great! You will definately be in our prayers. It seems just like yesterday you were calling me to see if you should take a test! haha! Man.. time flies!
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Our tree
I got some Christmas pictures taken, though he didn't want to stay still for too long. here are some of the good ones..
This Christmas is going to be fun. The three grand kids, (all 1years old! will be together! Happy Birthday Emily!!!) Amy, Chad, and Emily are flying ion today, so it really is beginning to feel like Christmas! I am so excited to bake and make candy when Amy gets here. She is so good at getting that done. Our family Christmas gift is to go to Disney. That will happen on Saturday.It should be interesting. Travis is 19 months, Brayden is almost 16 months, and Emily turned one yesterday. Hopefully that will all be even tempered and have a lot of fun.
Enjoying playing with the wrapping paper
I pretty much have shopping done. I took Brayden to meet Santa for the first time yesterday. He really didn't know what to think, and was on the verge of crying. But he prevailed, and the tears were held back. We got the slightest smirk out of him. And I bought the ridiculously over priced pictures, because it was his first experience (we didn't visit Santa last year) I had to buy them, even if they weren't that good. I think he'll look back 20 years from now, and laugh at them, so it's worth it.
He has been a pretty good boy this year. The past few days have not been a treat. He is getting some teeth in , and has just been uncomfortable, which = CRANKY. We have also been blessed with a new phrase... " I want!" He really is a doll baby though. He is trying to talk so much more and is doing so many fun things. He likes to twirl and dance now, and has in the past months began to sing. Particularly the "Mama" song. It goes a little something like "mama... maaaammmaaa, mama mama maMA." I think you get the gist. He was even singing it in his sleep a while ago. I feel really special to have my own song =)
Well, I took my final , and had my last day of the semester on the 11th. I made it through with a solid 'B', which I was ecstatic to receive. I am overjoyed to have almost 5 weeks off! I really don't know what to do with myself. It is nice to be home with Brayden and be a mom.
I am so excited for the Holiday and very thankful that we are all healthy. During the week of Thanksgiving Brayden was really sick with Bronchitis, and I then got the same thing. Faron then got a tough of a stomach bug and so did I for a night. Wow... that was a rough week! Then to top it all off, the same day of my final, that night actually Faron went to the urgent care with abdominal pain. Long story short, he was sent to the Emergency room, and admitted in the wee hours of the morning. He was there Wednesday through Friday. Thankfully after many test and assumptions, it was just gastroenteritis. Bless his little heart. He was a trooper! It was his first time ever being in the hospital... but he survived and did really great. We are glad he is home now and feeling much better. I want to Thank everyone who helped us out and kept us in their prayers! We have an incredible family !! ( friends too!)
I think those are the main highlights .. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:59 AM 1 comments
This was posted November 7, 2007
(the date keeps comming up wrong)
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:50 AM 3 comments
Posted by Faron and Erin at 8:50 AM 1 comments