Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break

Last week was a much needed break from school. I was able to have Brayden most of the week. We had so much fun together. We went shopping one day, and we went to the Park. Unfortunately I didn't take my camera. He started to get sick Thursday, so Friday was spent at the doctor, but it's just a head cold, and today he is much better.

He is the most darling child. He has done some adorable things this week, for instance. We were watching tv and all of the sudden I didn't see him , and I asked Faron "where's Brayden?" I started down the hall to his room and I said it again. Then I hear this playful "MAMA!" SO, I go into his room, and he is sitting in the rocker, in the dark, just waiting for me to rock him to sleep. When I saw him, he just started laughing, and and kept saying "MAMA" and laughing. It was too cute. Then the other night I had rocked him and layed him down, and usually he just goes right down and reaches up for his blanket, and snuggles and then he's good. This time I thought I could hear him talking. I went and listened in on the monitor, and he was just talking away. Then as if he knew I was listening.. I hear "mama" ... "Mamma"... "MAMMA!!!" I go in there and he's stands righ up and he just cuddled with me and I rocked him some more, and then he was fine after that. He is just so matter of fact. I love his personality.

His favorite demands these days are " I want cookie!" and the other night we had pizza and he surprized us with " Daddy, I want pizza!" He still loves his baby einstein dvd's and he loves, loves, his board books! He says "Bookie." His little voice is so cute.

This week I have been able to bond with my litle man, like we use to, and I had so much fun. I get the best love from him. I love that he is so genuine and affectionate.

I think I only have 6 weeks left of school. I can;t wait. Then I get a week off and then I am right back at in. I'll be taking psych. I am excited about it. I think I will enjoy it. Then I get a month break, and then It's just 2 semesters to go! I just can't wait to be done!


Chad and Amy Jensen said...

I love it! That is darling. Brayden has such a playful, yet sweet personality.

Keep working hard. 2 more semesters...that will fly by!

Love you!

steph said...

what a cutie pie!! the love you get from your own child is so wonderful, isn't it? i love being a mommy. and brayden sounds like such a sweetheart!!

you are so good to stick with it with your school. i have NO desire to go back to school. you go girl!!!

Jordan and Chandra Smith said...

I love rockig my boys, I just wish I had more arms so I could take the time to do it. We recently stopped and now lay them in bed and pat their backs, it's been so much easier, but I miss the quality time of rocking them!

MoJo said...

Awww, Bray Bray! He's such a cutie. I love that playful behavior. Cute background too.

shakenbake said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet! I need to meet him! Isn't it so awesome spending time with them? I swear the sweetest things come out of Brady's mouth when we're alone together. Nowadays, he makes me cry constantly! Im so glad you got to spend time with him-that's gotta be hard going to school! By the way, yes, Brady is excited to have a brother, he thinks we should name him Brady "Just like me!" he says.

MoJo said...

I actually DID lose weight. I've lost about 11 pounds in 3 weeks and Joseph has lost a wopping 23 pounds in 3 weeks! We're just exercising and watching what we put into our bodies. I feel really good and I have a goal to lose another 10 this month. Thanks for noticing. :)

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