Wednesday, June 27, 2007

An introduction to our family

We are just getting started with our blog. We thought it would be a fun way to keep in touch with everyone. I know I feel like I know what is going on with my friends and family that live far away when I read their blogs, and so we hope to acheive the same thing with ours.
Faron and I celebrated our third anniversary in April. It is hard to believe that it has been that long already! We reside in Palm Coast, where Faron works for the Flagler county Property appraisal office. He is going on two years there, and is succeeding beautifuly with his certifications. He will complete is last class in august. I am so proud of him. He really loves his job and is very good at it.
August is a very exciting month for our little family. I start back at school, and begin the nursing program! I am very nervous and excited. This is going to be such a wonderful thing for our family. I am ready to start my path to an actual career. The other big event is Brayden's first birthday. we are absolutely bewildered at how fast the time has flown by. He is the absolute joy in our lives. We are so impressed with him on a daily basis!
Faron and I have these moments, where we just look at eachother, and one of us will say " Can you believe we made him?" or " Is he really ours?" Then we just smile, at the thought that he is ours forever! He is 10 months old now, and into EVERYTHING. He is so curious about everything he comes in contact with. He has 8 teeth , and is 30 and 1/2 inches tall, weighing in at almost 23lbs! He is our big boy! He is such a bulldozer! He has no fear. Unfortunately that adds up to some boo boos every now and then. He is a good tempered baby though. We have been very lucky to have such a happy, beautiful child!
Well... we hope to fill this page with thoughts and happenings of our family, along with lots of pictures! We hope you will enjoy it!
Please feel free to leave us comments!


Faron and Erin said...
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MoJo said...

Yay, you guys have one too now! I'm so glad you got a blog so now I can hear all the fun things y'all are doing. Can't wait to see you Erin and meet the two men in your life! Peace out.

Chad and Amy Jensen said...

Your blog looks great! It will be fun to check a blog from our side of the family. Brayden is growing up so fast. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Brayden is so dang cute!! Can't wait to see the latest events on your blog!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Just enjoying your pictures and comments. It brings back memories of when my children were small. Their is no greater joy than to be part of and watch our children grow and know you have a big part in their developement. What a beautiful family you have. I am proud of you all, what good parents you are. Thank you for sharing this blog since I can't be there as much as I would like. Love, Mom, Grandma