Lynn and Donna Todd ( maternal grandparents)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Baby Blessing
Aislyn's blessing took place at the Bunnell ward 9am meeting on 12-26-10, the day after Christmas. We were blessed to have close family memebers come and attend and participate in giving a name and a blessing to our newest addition, Aislyn Kate Sanders at 4 weeks old. Those who participated in the circle of the blessing were, Faron ( giving the actual blessing), Arlen Sanders ( Poppy), Lynn Todd ( Papa), Adrein Sanders ( Great Uncle) , Chad Sanders ( Uncle), Rick Singler ( family friend), and Bishop Trowell. The blessing was beautiful and mentioned growing up strong inthe church, knowing her Savior, and one day meeting a young man worthy to take her to the Temple and to be married for time and all eternity. Faron did a beutiful job and the Spirit was strong. Aislyn looked beautiful wearing the gown me and my two sisters wore. This was so special to me and I almost cried getting her dressed that morning, imagining how my mother felt putting me in that same dress. I hope her daughter can be blessed in it one day too.

The pictures after the blessing didn't go as i planned. It was cold and windy outside, so we decided to take pictures outside the chaple. Unfortunately the rest of the family didn't get the memo. Faron's parents and little brother came down for Christmas and her blessing, but we didn't get any pictures of them with her. She was hungry, so these are the ones we did get. After church she was already out of her dress and we went to Granny's huose for lunch and cake where she slept the whole yime, so we didn't take too many pictures.
Our Family

Gramie and Papa with Brayden
Gramie and Papa with Aislyn

Aunt Debbie, Uncle Chad, cousin Brianna and Aislyn ( Faron's brother)
This is the beautiful and tastey cake we got from publix
Aislyn passed out in Daddy's arms.
Family and friends attending the blessing:
Erin, Faron and Brayden Sanders
Lynn and Donna Todd ( maternal grandparents)
Lynn and Donna Todd ( maternal grandparents)
Arlen and Brenda Sanders ( paternal grandparents)
Faron's Brothers: Eric and Issac
Chad( Faron's brother), Debbie, Brianna, Brandon Sanders
Adrien Sanders ( faron's Uncle)
Cassandra "Granny" Waddoups ( Aislyn's Great Grandma)
Bertha and Joe Sigfried
Rick and Nan Singler
Rob Fries ( Faron's best friend)
I think that covers everyone who came especially for that day. Thanks for making it so special!
Posted by Faron and Erin at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
first full day at home
we were lucky to have Faron home with us , he had to go back to work on wednesday, so we just hung out around the house and enjoyed our new baby
Brayden took to his role of big brother without difficulty, he loves to hold her.
"Aunt" Shandra and Aislyn
Daddy loving his baby girl
Bray feeding Aislyn for the first time
Like I said in a previous post, had we not gone in early for delivery on the twentieth, she would have been born in this day.. so grateful that we didn't have to wait!
Posted by Faron and Erin at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
Going home
Aislyn Kate
Day three in the hospital brought us more visitors and another great day with our healthy baby girl. Brayden stayed with Gramie and Papa the first two nights in the hopital. The nurse mid-wife decided I was doing great and could go home that day. So, we planned on having Brayden come that evening with my parents. Before Faron arrived that morning, Aunt katie stopped by and saw Aislyn and I before work. Other friends that visited were Rob and Charity and Manny and Heidi. 

We left our nurses with some baskets of candy as a Thank you and were out the door and ready to have our Big Brother Party once we got home. I was both excited and nervous to bring Aislyn home. It's been awhile since I've had a newborn and my first time taking care of two kids. But thankfully I have a fantastic husband who is so hands onwith the kids and was such a great help. 

We wanted to make brayden feel excited about the baby coming home, without it be all about the baby, so with my sister's suggestion, we did a "big brother" party and picked up a cake on the way home. We had gotten a gifts from bray to the baby and a gift for bray from Aislyn and the exchanged them after we had cake.

We were waiting to see Dr. Orezzoli to come and see Aislyn. He had been off over the weekend and another doctor was covering for him. He was running behind and said we could be discharged without his seeing her, and we would just see him in one week. We decided to head out that night, so got our stuff together. Before we left Aislyn had her hospital pictures taken. These are not what that use to be. They turned out so cute! And we had fun dressing her up. Gramie and Papa arrived with Brayden and we visited for a while. Once we were all packed and everything was in the car we put Aislyn in her coming home outfit and took some pictures.
We wanted to make brayden feel excited about the baby coming home, without it be all about the baby, so with my sister's suggestion, we did a "big brother" party and picked up a cake on the way home. We had gotten a gifts from bray to the baby and a gift for bray from Aislyn and the exchanged them after we had cake.
Aislyn was awake just a little while we were home and never cried. She just snorts and grunts to let you know she needs something. She is such a calm and sweet baby.It felt awesome to have her at home and the first night wasn't bad. I only had to get up once with her that night and was up early the next morning. It was fun to have her already home on the day I was supose to deliver her( tues 11/23/10).
Posted by Faron and Erin at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Day 2 in the hospital
Day two brought lots of vistitors. Uncle Chad, Grammie and Papa and Brayden, Shandra and Skyeler, The singlers, Granny and Aunt Linda, and my co-worker Heather all stopped by to see Aislyn and congratulat us.
Granny's number 19 Great Grand child... she loves her Granny
Aislyn with uncle Chad

The proud big brother
I was feeling so much better after a shower, real clothes, and makeup! I was moving around so well on my first post operative day.. I even made the bed! lol The mid wife came in and said " I guess you'll be getting out of here early!" Thanks to pain meds and knowing what to expect.. this was the easy c-section of all.
Aislyn with mommy and daddy
The proud big brother
Aislyn did great breast feeding right away on day one, but day two she got very sleepy and was hard to wake up to eat. But we learned some tricks and were able to get her latched on and eating well. She mostly slept, ate and pooped, on this day. She had her bilirubin drawn and was weighed that night and was down from 8lbs even to 7lbs 7 ounces. her bilirubin level came back perfect. Daddy went home for a better sleep in a real bed, instead of the back breaking recliner and Aislyn went to the nursery where she was well cared for by past co-workers of mine. I had a great nurse, Sarah, who I use to work with on Pediatrics and slept pretty good despite the IV driving me crazy. I will have more sympathy for my patients in the future.
Posted by Faron and Erin at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Halloween 2010

Brayden and skyeler or "wonder woman" : Brayden says to Skye " get down.. and pose"
We went trick or treating in a beautiful neighborhood in flagler and it was perfect weather and the kids had a blast! I was a witch but haven't seen pictures of myself yet, so we'll see if I add them Brayden and Skye were adorable and holding hands most the time. It was a successful Halloween =)
Posted by Faron and Erin at 9:49 AM 1 comments
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