These pictures were taken on January 2, 2008. It get sharder and harder for me to get cute pictures of Brayden, because he is so mobile. So I was thrilled to get him "posing" again =)

He is at this stage where he is doing so much now. He is at the beginings of really starting to talk. He says to me in the store two days ago "Mama! Mama! I want Daddy. I want tickle tickle Daddy!" I had to listen a couple of times to make sure that that was what he really said. I had to call faron right away. I knew that would make him feel really good.
This was brayden playing around yesterday 1/9/08
It has been nice being out of school. I am some what dreading going back. But.. it's just something I have to do. I start back on tuesday. I am going to get my books today. I had brayden all ready and then he was getting really cranky, and I realized it was nap time, and that it would be better to wait. So, hopefully I will get out of here by noon. I have enjoyed my three days off in a row every week. I keep thinking.. "do I have to go to work tonight?" And then I remember, I have 2 more days off. When I am in school, I never feel the break of my days off, so it is nice to just lay around the house and play with brayden.
I wish I had more interesting things to say, but nothing comes to mind. I hope everyone is having a great new year!